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What's New in 2013 | DevExpress

DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013): A Comprehensive Review

If you are a developer DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013): A Comprehensive Review

If you are a developer who works with .NET Frameworks, you might have heard of DevExpress Universal, a suite of software development tools that provides a wide range of UI components, controls, widgets, and libraries for various platforms and technologies. DevExpress Universal claims to be the ultimate choice for building stunning applications that deliver superior user experiences and high performance. But is it really worth the hype? How does it compare with other similar products in the market? What are its features, benefits, drawbacks, and customer feedback? In this article, we will try to answer these questions and give you a comprehensive review of DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013), the latest version of the product as of June 2023.

DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013)

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Features of DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013)

DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013) is a bundle of over 600 UI components, controls, widgets, and libraries that cover various platforms and technologies, such as WinForms, WPF, Blazor, HTML JS, ASP.NET, etc. These components are designed to help developers create rich and responsive user interfaces for desktop, web, and mobile applications. Here are some of the main features of DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013):

WinForms Controls

WinForms Controls are a set of over 180 UI components and controls that allow developers to create Windows Forms applications with ease and flexibility. Some of the features of WinForms Controls are:

  • Design-time customization dialogs that enable developers to configure the appearance and behavior of the controls without writing any code.

  • Windows 8 Start Screen component that allows developers to create modern and touch-friendly applications that mimic the Windows 8 Start Screen.

  • Flyout Panel control that allows developers to display additional information or options in a sliding panel that can be docked to any edge of the form.

  • Taskbar Assistant component that allows developers to customize the appearance and functionality of the Windows Taskbar for their applications.

  • WinExplorer View mode that allows developers to display data in a grid control with different layouts and styles, such as large icons, small icons, list, tiles, etc.

WPF Controls

WPF Controls are a set of over 110 UI components and controls that allow developers to create Windows Presentation Foundation applications with rich graphics and animations. Some of the features of WPF Controls are:

  • Data grid control that supports data binding, sorting, filtering, grouping, editing, summaries, conditional formatting, etc.

  • Charting control that supports various types of charts, such as bar, line, area, pie, etc., with interactive features such as zooming, panning, tooltips, etc.

  • Map control that supports displaying geographical data on vector or raster maps, with features such as markers, shapes, routes, layers, etc.

  • Scheduler control that supports displaying and managing appointments and events in different views, such as day, week, month, timeline, etc.

  • Ribbon control that supports creating ribbon-based user interfaces with tabs, groups, buttons, galleries, etc.

Blazor UI Components

Blazor UI Components are a set of over 70 UI components and controls that allow developers to create Blazor applications with web assembly or server-side rendering. Blazor is a framework that enables developers to use C# and .NET to build web applications without using JavaScript. Some of the features of Blazor UI Components are:

  • Data grid component that supports data binding, sorting, filtering, grouping, editing, summaries, conditional formatting, etc.

  • Pivot grid component that supports displaying and analyzing multidimensional data in a tabular format with features such as fields, areas, totals, etc.

  • Charting component that supports various types of charts, such as bar, line, area, pie, etc., with interactive features such as zooming, panning, tooltips, etc.

  • Scheduler component that supports displaying and managing appointments and events in different views, such as day, week, month, timeline, etc.

  • Form layout component that supports creating responsive forms with labels, editors, validation messages, etc.

HTML JS Technologies

HTML JS Technologies are a set of over 70 UI widgets and libraries that allow developers to create HTML5/JavaScript applications with cross-browser and cross-platform compatibility. Some of the features of HTML JS Technologies are:

  • DevExtreme widgets that support creating web applications with rich and responsive user interfaces, such as data grid, chart, scheduler, pivot grid, etc.

  • Angular integration that supports creating Angular applications with DevExtreme widgets and services, such as data service, validation service, etc.

  • React integration that supports creating React applications with DevExtreme widgets and components, such as data grid, chart, scheduler, pivot grid, etc.

  • Vue integration that supports creating Vue applications with DevExtreme widgets and components, such as data grid, chart, scheduler, pivot grid, etc.

  • Knockout integration that supports creating Knockout applications with DevExtreme widgets and bindings, such as data grid, chart, scheduler, pivot grid, etc.

ASP.NET Controls

ASP.NET Controls are a set of over 110 UI components and controls that allow developers to create ASP.NET Web Forms and MVC applications with server-side rendering. Some of the features of ASP.NET Controls are:

  • Data grid control that supports data binding, sorting, filtering, grouping, editing, summaries, conditional formatting, etc.

  • Charting control that supports various types of charts, such as bar, line, area, pie, etc., with interactive features such as zooming, panning, tooltips, etc.

  • Reporting control that supports creating and displaying reports with features such as data sources, parameters, calculated fields, expressions, etc.

  • Dashboard control that supports creating and displaying dashboards with features such as data sources, widgets, layouts, filters, etc.

  • Spreadsheet control that supports creating and displaying spreadsheets with features such as formulas, functions, charts, pivot tables, etc.

Benefits of DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013)

DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013) offers many benefits for developers who want to create high-quality applications with minimal effort and time. Some of the benefits of DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013) are:

  • Cross-platform compatibility: DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013) supports various platforms and technologies, such as WinForms, WPF, Blazor, HTML JS, ASP.NET, etc., which allows developers to target different audiences and devices with the same code base and UI components.

  • High performance: DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013) provides UI components and controls that are optimized for speed and efficiency, which ensures smooth and fast user interactions and data processing.

  • Rich user interface: DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013) provides UI components and controls that are designed to deliver stunning and modern user experiences, with features such as animations, themes, skins, icons, etc.

  • Easy customization: DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013) provides UI components and controls that are flexible and customizable, which allows developers to adjust the appearance and behavior of the UI elements according to their preferences and requirements.

  • Comprehensive documentation and support: DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013) provides extensive documentation and support for developers who use the product, including online help files, tutorials, demos, videos, forums, blogs, etc.

Drawbacks of DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013)

DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013) is not a perfect product and it has some drawbacks that developers should be aware of before using it. Some of the drawbacks of DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013) are:

  • High cost: DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013) is not a cheap product, and it requires a license fee for each developer who uses it. The license fee varies depending on the number of developers and the type of subscription, but it can range from $1,499 to $2,999 per developer per year. This can be a significant investment for some developers or organizations, especially if they need to use multiple products from DevExpress.

  • Steep learning curve: DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013) is not a simple product, and it requires a lot of time and effort to learn how to use it effectively. The product has a lot of features and options, which can be overwhelming and confusing for some developers, especially beginners or those who are not familiar with the platforms or technologies that the product supports. Developers may need to spend a lot of time reading the documentation, watching the tutorials, or asking for help from the support team.

  • Compatibility issues: DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013) is not a flawless product, and it may have some compatibility issues with some frameworks or browsers that developers use. For example, some developers have reported that the product does not work well with Angular 9, or that the product has some bugs or glitches with Internet Explorer 11. Developers may need to test their applications thoroughly and make sure that they work as expected on different platforms and browsers.

Comparison with Other Similar Products

DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013) is not the only product in the market that offers UI components and controls for .NET Frameworks. There are other similar products that developers can choose from, depending on their needs and preferences. Here are some of the other products that compete with DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013), and how they compare with it based on some criteria:






DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013)

Over 600 UI components and controls for various platforms and technologies, such as WinForms, WPF, Blazor, HTML JS, ASP.NET, etc.

High performance and efficiency, with features such as data virtualization, data shaping, data analysis, etc.

$1,499 to $2,999 per developer per year, depending on the number of developers and the type of subscription.

Comprehensive documentation and support, including online help files, tutorials, demos, videos, forums, blogs, etc.

Telerik UI for .NET Frameworks

Over 500 UI components and controls for various platforms and technologies, such as WinForms, WPF, Blazor, HTML JS, ASP.NET, etc.

High performance and efficiency, with features such as data virtualization, data shaping, data analysis, etc.

$999 to $1,499 per developer per year, depending on the number of developers and the type of subscription.

Comprehensive documentation and support, including online help files, tutorials, demos, videos, forums, blogs, etc.

Syncfusion Essential Studio

Over 1,600 UI components and controls for various platforms and technologies, such as WinForms, WPF, Blazor, HTML JS, ASP.NET, etc.

High performance and efficiency, with features such as data virtualization, data shaping, data analysis, etc.

$995 to $1,995 per developer per year, depending on the number of developers and the type of subscription.

Comprehensive documentation and support, including online help files, tutorials, demos, videos, forums, blogs, etc.

Infragistics Ultimate

Over 100 UI components and controls for various platforms and technologies, such as WinForms, WPF, Blazor, HTML JS, ASP.NET Core MVC etc.

High performance and efficiency with features such as data virtualization data shaping data analysis etc.

$1,899 per developer per year or $2,399 per developer with priority support

Comprehensive documentation and support including online help files tutorials demos videos forums blogs etc.

Customer Reviews and Feedback

DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013) has received many customer reviews and feedback from various sources, such as blogs, user comments, case studies, awards, etc. Here are some of the positive and negative aspects of the product based on the customer reviews and feedback:

Positive Aspects

  • Many customers have praised the product for its rich and diverse features, which allow them to create various types of applications with different platforms and technologies.

  • Many customers have appreciated the product for its high performance and efficiency, which ensure smooth and fast user interactions and data processing.

  • Many customers have complimented the product for its rich and modern user interface, which deliver stunning and engaging user experiences.

  • Many customers have liked the product for its easy customization, which allow them to adjust the appearance and behavior of the UI elements according to their preferences and requirements.

  • Many customers have valued the product for its comprehensive documentation and support, which provide them with helpful and timely guidance and assistance.

Negative Aspects

  • Some customers have criticized the product for its high cost, which can be a significant investment for some developers or organizations, especially if they need to use multiple products from DevExpress.

  • Some customers have complained about the product for its steep learning curve, which can be overwhelming and confusing for some developers, especially beginners or those who are not familiar with the platforms or technologies that the product supports.

  • Some customers have reported some compatibility issues with the product, such as not working well with Angular 9, or having some bugs or glitches with Internet Explorer 11.


In conclusion, DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013) is a comprehensive suite of software development tools that provides a wide range of UI components, controls, widgets, and libraries for various platforms and technologies. The product has many features, benefits, drawbacks, and customer feedback that developers should consider before using it. The product is suitable for developers who want to create high-quality applications with minimal effort and time, but it may not be ideal for developers who have a limited budget, a low level of experience, or a specific framework or browser preference. If you are interested in trying or buying DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013), you can visit the official website or download page of the product here: [DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013)].


Here are some frequently asked questions about DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013):

  • What are the system requirements for DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013)?

The system requirements for DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013) vary depending on the platform and technology that you use. For example, if you use WinForms Controls, you need to have Windows XP SP3 or higher, .NET Framework 4.0 or higher, Visual Studio 2010 or higher, etc. You can find more details about the system requirements for each platform and technology here: [System Requirements].

  • How can I get a free trial or demo version of DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013)?

You can get a free trial or demo version of DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013) by registering on the official website of the product here: [Free Trial]. You will receive an email with a download link and a license key that will allow you to use the product for 30 days without any limitations.

  • How can I upgrade from an older version of DevExpress Universal to DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013)?

You can upgrade from an older version of DevExpress Universal to DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013) by purchasing a subscription renewal or an upgrade license on the official website of the product here: [Upgrade]. You will receive an email with a download link and a license key that will allow you to use the latest version of the product.

  • How can I get technical support or customer service for DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013)?

You can get technical support or customer service for DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013) by contacting the support team via email, phone, chat, or ticket system on the official website of the product here: [Support]. You can also access the online help files, tutorials, demos, videos, forums, blogs, etc. on the official website of the product here: [Documentation].

  • How can I learn more about DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013) or other products from DevExpress?

You can learn more about DevExpress Universal 12.2.6 (2013) or other products from DevExpress by visiting the official website of the product here: [DevExpress]. You can also follow the social media accounts of DevExpress on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc. to get the latest news and updates about the product and the company.



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